Sugar Wheel Works Commercial Shoot

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This week, I got tapped by Studio3, a Portland/Seattle based production studio, to shoot a series of commercial spots for a Sugar Wheel Works.  Sugar blends technical precision with Portland bike culture soul to create high-end, custom hand built bicycle wheels for customers around the world.  Our goal was to capture Sugar owner Jude Kirstein’s love for bikes, the technical precision she employs in her wheel building craft and the intimate customer experience that goes into every set of wheels.

The images were shot with a RED Scarlet and a Canon 5D Mark III.  Lenses used were the Zeiss ZE 35mm f/1.4, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 and the Canon 16-35mm f/2.8.  Shots were lit using available daylight and 2 Kino Flo Diva Lites. Motion was achieved with a Kessler Pocket Dolly and Kessler Crane.

All images by Studio3 staff and Andy Maser.