In Production: IMAX Feature on BC’s Great Bear Rainforest

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Andy Maser is currently in British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest shooting a feature film for IMAX screens. The team will be working on and off for the next year to capture an immersive view of this remote and unique ecosystem—they’re be shooting from the air with drones and helicopters, on land using traditional natural history techniques, from boats and underwater. The subjects range from spirit bears to wolves, salmon, whales, sea lions and birds. Since the Great Bear Rainforest is so remote, the entire production is happening from live-aboard boats.


Most of the film will be shot on the RED Weapon 8K cameras and the Arri 65, with some specialty shots made on 65mm film. The small form factor of the RED Weapon camera system will allow the team a revolutionary level of flexibility for the IMAX medium, allowing them to bring a real natural history perspective to the biggest screen. Advances in drone and remote camera control technology also open up entirely new filming techniques for IMAX.


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